Embrace Your Awesomeness: Celebrating National Compliment Day

National Compliment Day is the perfect occasion to spread positivity, not only to those around you but also to yourself. In a world that often highlights flaws, taking a moment to acknowledge and compliment yourself is an act of self-love that can have lasting effects on your well-being. 

Why compliment yourself? Complimenting oneself might feel a bit unfamiliar or even indulgent, but it's an essential practice for building self-esteem and cultivating a positive mindset. When you recognize and appreciate your own strengths and achievements, you empower yourself to navigate life with confidence and resilience. 

Tips for Complimenting Yourself: 

  • Acknowledge Your Achievements: Reflect on your accomplishments, big or small, and give yourself credit for the hard work and dedication that went into them. 

  • Embrace Your Uniqueness: Everyone is unique, and that's something to celebrate! Compliment yourself on the qualities that make you stand out – whether it's your creativity, kindness, or perseverance. 

  • Positive Affirmations: Incorporate positive affirmations into your daily routine. Repeat phrases that uplift and encourage you, reinforcing a positive self-image. 

  • Mirror Moments: Stand in front of the mirror and say compliments to yourself. It may feel silly but seeing and hearing positive words can amplify their impact on your self-perception. 

  • Write It Down: Keep a compliment journal where you jot down positive things about yourself. It serves as a tangible reminder of your worth and accomplishments. 

  • Self-Care Moments: Compliment yourself for prioritizing self-care. Whether it's taking time for a relaxing bath, going for a walk, or indulging in a favorite hobby, acknowledge the efforts you put into nurturing your well-being. 

As we celebrate National Compliment Day, let's remember that self-love is not only encouraged but essential. Take a moment to appreciate the wonderful person you are. By complimenting yourself and spreading positivity to others, you contribute to a culture of kindness that has the power to uplift and inspire. Embrace your awesomeness – you deserve it! 

Kim Ureno

Kim lives in Catonsville, MD with her husband and identical twin sons. After being a Stay at home Mom for 6 years, she decided it was time to reenter the workforce and found a job promoting mental health and wellness. A staunch believer in therapy Kim enjoys touting the benefits of mental health to anyone who will listen. When Kim isn’t in her home office, she can be found training for marathons, playing with her sons and dogs, or re-potting her plants.


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