The Beauty of Order


Beauty is such an order and construction of parts as, either by the primary constitution of our nature, by custom, or by caprice, is fitted to give a pleasure and satisfaction to the soul.

— Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 

As a creative free spirit, I have often shunned structure, routines, and rituals as confining, boring, and stifling to the imaginative soul. However, now that I have reached my late twenties, I am beginning to see that an undisciplined life leads to chaos, confusion, and inaction. I’m learning that order is the necessary foundation for building a beautiful life. 

Did you know that highly gifted, creative or intellectual people struggle more with mental illness than the rest of the population?

From Lindsay Dodgson’s piece for Insider, she writes, “One study from the Office of National Statistics in England, covering the years from 2011 to 2015, showed people who work in arts-related jobs were up to four times more likely to die by suicide. Meanwhile, another study, from 2013, found being an author was specifically associated with increased likelihood of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, unipolar depression, anxiety disorders, substance abuse, and suicide.”

As creative individuals, we can so easily lose ourselves in the calling to pursue our higher purpose and meaning for life that we fail to partake in the daily disciplines needed to actually achieve it. By neglecting our mental, emotional, and physical health for the sake of a creative calling, we run the risk of developing chronic physical, and mental illnesses, rendering us powerless in our pursuit of attaining our purpose.

Thankfully, I received a wake-up call about my mental health several years ago and have learned to prioritize it above all else. As a type A, obsessive overachiever, I ran myself ragged in my teenage and college years by ignoring emotional wounds in favor of pursuing every accolade, joining every organization, and maintaining my perfect GPA. After hitting rock bottom during my senior year of college, I have learned to live life at a slower pace and enjoy the process of creating rather than chasing the fleeting moments of success.

Currently, I am in a season where pursuing anything creative has become not only challenging but practically impossible. For years I’ve neglected my physical health by failing to consume regular meals throughout the day in favor of getting consumed in my creative endeavors. Now I am reaping the consequences of failing to care for my body: seemingly endless physical issues resulting in several doctor appointments per month, low energy, weak immune system, and other chronic issues. 

I’ve discovered the root of these challenges I am currently facing is a lack of order in my life. My priorities have been out of whack. I’ve tried adorning the home of my life with crown molding, light fixtures, artistic ornamentation, and wallpaper before laying the foundation that will support the entire building. For so many years, I’ve tried to shirk the “boring” basics in favor of advanced artistry.

What are some ways your life has gotten out of order? Maybe you’ve tried building a business when you haven’t even managed to get out of personal debt. Maybe you’re trying to learn how to create extravagant pastry designs before learning how to bake a basic cake. Or maybe you’re placing pressure on yourself to learn a complicated Crossfit regimen before even establishing a regular workout routine. 

Coming face to face with the consequences of a lack of order in my life has caused me to pause and consider how I will craft my life from here on out. As much as I desire to continue pursuing my creative passions at full force, the reality is that unless I take the time to stop completely and envision a new way of living, I will continue to hold up my hopes and dreams indefinitely. Due to the inevitable breakdowns that occur when one fails to establish order in one’s life, we must structure the days of our lives to run as smoothly as possible by placing one foot in front of the other―in the proper order.

By prioritizing the basics, we can ensure the essential components of our daily lives are running smoothly so they can support the greater work we are called to do.

Lauren Steffes

Lover of saltwater, lavender and tandem bicycles, Lauren has travelled to many lands to learn the art of heartfelt listening in order to share stories that are true and inspire others to walk out a life of authentic faith and conviction. A ballet enthusiast with a passion for female entrepreneurship and international affairs, Lauren hopes to empower women to discover and fulfill their unique destinies with her words of grace and truth.


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