Love Yo Self, No Matter What


As a holistic health minded person I try to have a constant practice of self-love.

What does that mean exactly? It means that every day I choose to love myself first and foremost. They say that you cannot give love unless you love yourself and I couldn't agree more.

If I want to take a yoga class, indulge in a good book, or have ice cream, I don't stop myself. I mean, I could easily come up with a million excuses on why I shouldn't take that yoga class, sit and read for hours, or eat a bowl (or two) of ice cream. It is a constant struggle in my mind but, just like everything in life, it's all about balance. I believe wholeheartedly in the 80/20 rule - 80% healthy and 20% indulge. That rule applies to my eating habits and my self-love practice.

One night last week I had BIG plans to get home from work, mop the floors, start laundry, and take out the trash. The reality of it was that when I got home at 8:45pm, I was exhausted. I could feel Mr. Sandman pulling my eyelids heavy. The idea of taking another hour to tackle just the floors was daunting. So, I compromised with myself. I took the trash out and started laundry but did not mop the floors. I let myself feel content with only getting through a couple things on my to-do list and decided it was time to unwind and do a little self-love practice for me and only me. After I got ready for sleep, I laid in bed and watched one of my shows. Let me tell you... what a luxury! To be able to sit and indulge in T.V. was so relaxing and the best way to end my day.

The next day I got home from work and, again, had made a huge "to-do" list for myself. Immediately I laughed at it. My internal monologue went something like "are you trying to kill yourself?!" So I put the list away and unrolled my yoga mat. I practiced for an hour! AN HOUR! A solid sixty minutes of "me" time. It was glorious and I think that was my first good night of sleep in three months.

The thing is, if I spend too much time giving and doing, I get cranky and tired. I don't feel full, I feel drained. I use this practice as a tool to refuel my heart so I can show up to love my son and husband, dogs and bird, and family and friends. The best part? Self-love can show up in many different ways.

Here's a list of my [current] top 10 self-love practices: 

  1. Spending time with my dogs, bird, and newborn son (not in that order)

  2. Yoga or dance class

  3. Acupuncture (which is now covered by my insurance, HOLLA!) or massage

  4. Going to a concert or listening to music

  5. Hiking

  6. Reading or listening to a book

  7. Eating dessert or baking

  8. Face mask or taking a bath

  9. Laying in the hammock

  10. Enjoying a good cup of coffee

  11. **BONUS** Watching T.V. or a movie

How have you shown up for yourself today? What self-love practices do you find time for? Let us know in the comments below! We’d love to hear more ideas!

Brittni Barcase

Brittni Barcase is a 500-hour CYT, Certified Financial Social Work Educator, EFT Tapping Educator, and considers herself to be a forever student, always hungry for new information and perspective. When Brittni isn't creating online content or chasing her children, she can be found creating macrame for her passion project, Mann Made with Love, or teaching yoga classes. She believes that healing comes from connecting to others and thus writes to inspire others to speak up and live out loud, without fear.


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